Just wanted to say that this was an excellent hack. Clicked Install. Now, if it generates some cash I'd be happy to donate a little
One newbie type question that has me stumped. I want to make the ads visible to non-registered guests, Users awaiting EMail confirmation and to those who have a post total of less than 50. I know this really goes beyond the realm of this hack, but if anyone can clarify this I would be grateful. For some reason I can't grasp this and I'm sure it super-simple.
Here are my default usergroups and their Usergroup I.D.s:
Super Moderators-5
Users Awaiting EMail Confirmation-3
Now here are my Usergroup Titles/Minimum Posts/I.D. #
New Member/0/1
Junior Member/20/2
Senior Member/100/4
How can I edit the hack so that after a minimum post requirement a user can be "ad-free"?