Thank you HuangA & Floris,
This is also great for people who want to make out there are invisible
members online, so such people as hackers or spammers will think the mods/admin is online
You could always change the total then each day or so
then people would not notice the same amount online each day
This will give new boards a very big boost to try and get some
members because at the end of the day, who wants to join a
board with 2 members?
Not many.
I have seen 100's of boards go down because of lack of
members and this will at lease give new boards ahead start.
If it is used the correct way - there is nothing for anyone to
moan about
Myself, once I get some members I will knock them counters
down to zero but I would always use the members online,
I think that is really good!
I don't know why this hack is receiving so much negative feedback!
If anyone whats to change their stats then all they would
have to do is add a few numbers in their code the same as I
did so that anyone would think that someone was online and
they would not think about spamming the forums.
Thanks again GREAT!