I added an extra vboption value, an extra replacement, and an extra plugin...
now I have fake guest counts. Why guest counts? Because guests cannot
be seen on the WOL by normal registered users (only admins and I think mods
can see), so it gives the false sense that your forums are more busy than it
currently is. It wouldn't be hard to add a few online member counts as well
(claim invisible mode). However, that is VERY UNETHICAL in my view and
should not be used unless your forum is really dying. And even then, this will
only give the false impression, not new posts unless you are posting lots on
fake accounts to bring more activity to the forums. If Floris don't mind,
and if anyone is interested, feel free to PM me for it :X
oops, I noticed now after some more testing that normal users CAN see
guest and spiders on the online.php list. So I made some thing else...
add fake invisible users. Well, both options are there, I can add both
fake invisible users (which normal users doesn't see in online.php, but
vb might have a
bug about it), and fake guests which will look strange
on the online.php (because fake guest does not have entries on online.php
listing but is counted on top)
Edit 2:
Contacted Floris about this, provided him with the xml file for both guests
and invisible users. Floris will update it shortly after testing it.
Edit 3:
Yay, its updated.
Ok, here's what the new one adds.
Guests, don't we all love guests

They'll look weird if people really pay attention and follow the WOL / online.php page, because fake guests doesn't have entries like real guests.
Invisible users, they act just like a user logged in with "using invisible mode" option enabled; except, they won't be detected by your other hacks (IE: users online in the last 24 hours hack) because they don't exist at all!
One thing to note:
This addon does NOT affect your highest amount of members online at the same time, because I don't want to add additonal queries to the hack. If you want to do that, you'd have to modify the plugin for forumhome to do that. Refer to code in index.php for what you need and what variables to use. I don't think I'll support that unless a lot of people really want that to be part of the option.
Questions? Post it. I'll answer asap.
Comments? Post it. I'm sure myself and Floris would both love to see it.
Complains? Post it... we've already seen some, and I suppose it won't hurt to see a few more :X