I reported a guy who nixed 10 vBulletin licences.
I got screw all in return. Absolutely nothing. Not even an e-mail of thanks.
Now, here's my point. I didn't do it because of some greater need for reward, I did it because I imagined myself as the person who spent countless years working on this software, for some idiot to download it in two minutes and completely rip me off. I could have let the thievery continue, and the owners of vBulletin would have been none the wiser. But I reported it, and those sites are (to my knowledge) down.
I didn't even get an email of thanks though. That's what sticks in my throat. I am sure the 80,000-post members on vB.com could take one minute out to be grateful. I know I haven't been their best customer, but damn...
I doubt they even get many piracy reports. Not as many that they don't have the time to reply to me... it's a lack of courtesy. I'll probably get my licence taken from me or something (I've heard worse things happening to vB users) but I stand strongly on this. If you want to remain a user-friendly company, things like that help.
EDIT Reason: poor grammar.