Originally Posted by mini2
Something doesn't work with this relating to usergroups.
I have many user groups, but only have two colour markers. Light blue for every usergroup APART from Global and Forum Moderators (green) and Administrators (orange).
For some reason, some moderators appear the correct colour, some appear light blue. They all have either forum or global moderator as their primary usergroup.
Any guesses?
Hello Mini2,
Normally it should show the primary.
Make sure you force a recreate of the XML by
running the scheduled task or click your entry and the update button.
You may want to give the suggestion from DRN a try. But I'll check.
I have been trying to solve the issue of using a user's Display Group ID rather than their Primary User Group ID - and made the following change of line 71 of the vbgooglemapme.php code from:
PHP Code:
$usergroupid = $vbulletin->userinfo['usergroupid'];
PHP Code:
$usergroupid = $vbulletin->userinfo['displaygroupid'];