Hi again. Unfortunately I did not get any reply to my post... I have tested this a little bit more and the problem is very inconsistent, but the end result is that sometimes my users do not get any points for posting. I don't think any of my settings are wrong as sometimes a user will receive points in a forum and sometimes the user won't. Also, I am not receiveing any database error notifications, so I don't think it is a database problem either.
Unfortunately I am not very experienced in debugging vBulleting PHP scripts (even though I know some program languages and know how to debug those). This problem is most likely not a general issue within vbPlaza (if it was, there would be other people reporting it), so it must be specific to my site.
Is there maybe anyone who can explain how to debug the relevant php scripts that trigger the points update. I think they are "vbplaza_newpost_complete.php" and/or "vbplaza_newreply_start.php" or maybe other(s) as well. I know how to activate the debugging function in vBulletin but I don't understand how to use it. Most likely I will need to enter some write statements in the scripts to see when they are executed and where they fail.
My forum users are complaining... Anyone can help?