Originally Posted by amykhar
Paul, I disagree on the gloom and doom thing. The user that ticked me off the most in this whole issue is just the type to use that 'harmless' little link to do some more nefarious things. The policy had to be broad enough to stop these kinds of things in their tracks.
I still think this was handled very politely by staff. No fingers were pointed, no names were named. The new rule was spelled out and time was given to comply.
So is that to say if there is a bug in the vBulletin software the public announcement should be, there is a bug or backdoor in the software. We are not going to say which verision, but don't worry, we are counting on hackers to be good?
Not agreeing with Paul on this one is absurd. The hacks in question should have been used to mass notifiy the hack users. That cloak and dagger announcement was completely irresponsible. That's why it's imperitive to click install. The staff should be using these resources. This could have been handled much better with tools that already exist.