Originally Posted by bairy
I think this is the most likely explanation too.
The thing to me is that, yes he did promise 12th May, and before that 1st March and probably before that too, and yes he isn't good at communicating.
But, v3 v1.0.6 is actually pretty good. It does what it's supposed to and has nice features.
People who whine because he's not constantly releasing new versions really piss me off. I understand he's going well past his quoted days and there are some valid points to the complaints, but since whining about it clearly isn't going to get it released any faster and it may well demoralise and demotivate him, what's the point?
Just accept that it will come out when it comes out. Check the site occasionally but don't hang on every day late like it's the end of the world.
/My Opinion
I also agree.
John's was the first arcade I ever used back on vB 3.0. Back then they were much less common than they are now, and his product truly revolutionised my site in terms of what it could offer people.
These days I run both v3Arcade *and* ibproarcade, and wouldn't want to be without either.
John's current version of the arcade offers everything I could possibly need, I have customised it a bit in terms of layout but the basic functionality is all there, with a couple of OK's add-ons to go with it.
John will be back I am sure, but people really need to get off his back and let him get on with it, he always comes up with the goods eventually and he will do so again.