do I get a cheese stick (or equivalent prize) for posting at the same time?
I did not mean that Jelsoft expects everyone to code for free and then place it on .org - I was speaking to the fact that you guys still haven't pulled your thumb out about the commercial directory thing. That wasn't .org holding that one up - it was Jelsoft. Service requests? Have you ever posted a service request before? I have! Forgive me if I am
correct, however a lot of people seem to whinge that no one ever responds to their service requests.
Regardless, we are bantering now which I do not want to do. All I want to do was address your 'you guys want it both ways' approach as it was soooo ironic.
In fact, my first post in this thread wasnt about 'I love Jumpd, bring back his mods' it was about pointing out hypocrisy. This wasnt an 'oversight'. The same mod that axed Jumps threads was the same mod that posted 'well, let's give the author a chance to re-upload the files' over a year ago. It has taken over a full year for this hack with no download AND its own forum to get noticed? Puhleeze!
Anyway - my post just went back to bantering again! I apologize, I have man-flu and I havent had coffee yet!
Originally Posted by Martin
I don't see how we pass the buck on it, but I'm not going to get drawn into an argument regarding this.
sorry Martin - what I meant about passing the buck is for Jelsoft to sluff off responsability for the site - and you're right, lets not argue anymore about it. I don't understand all of Jelsofts reasons and I guess I don't need to.
Thanks for taking the time.