Division by Zero? View
the fix.
Negative results? View
the fix. I'm waiting a
response from vBulletin Team, for a better fix.
Stats not showing in PhotoPost? View
the fix.
Stats only for Administrators? View
the fix.
Also, if you get results like:
Page generated in 3.35731196 seconds (9.05% PHP - [high]90.95%[/high] MySQL) with 30 queries
every time you refresh your php page, you probably use a bad piece of code.
vBulletin will never generate those extreme results.
Imagine this: the code uses only 10% the resources to read the actual PHP code and the rest of 90% is used only to scan the tables... WOW!
That means the code forces to read into the database for each user who visits the site at this percentage... if you have 1000 users viewing the page in the same time.. you can get a picture of it...
If you compare this with vBulletin, the software does the opposite, 90% PHP and 10% MySQL... the right way.