Hi Kerry-Anne.....
Yeah i would love to learn, although i have had a wee play already, i still voted
Yes - I am a non-coder as i dont know diddly really, At the moment i am just playing with original code and not getting very far, saying that i have moved a few hacks that i have installed to locations other than in the installation instructions and most of the time it ends up ok
I would certainly like to learn how to code the basics, then perhaps move onto the plugins and products, I have found myself a dummies guide to php eBook but it aint the same as reading a proper book so i find it hard to make time for it!
To be honest, i aint even got a clue what i would like to create let alone create it lol
Can i ask, where would we start, How would we go about learning?
Would there be specific threads with small tuts on them or would there be home visits on a one to one basis ha ha ha ha ha
Count me in anyway, i would most definately want to learn something, if not coding then spelling