Originally Posted by Spoiler
hi, i have installed the hack, but it doesnt work ... or im stupid??
What i want to do: i want to create a 2on2 league.
It should be a league like the wc3cl or wc3tl.
Is that possibil with this hack??
Now i began to test a little bit ... created a tournament and some teams.
Under "view teams" there is nothing shown ... no teams available, but 2 teams exists :surprised:
Ok, im the leader of one of the teams ... but i can join with that team a tournament.
I can join myself to the tournament, but not the team ... why?
U want to look at my league ... ok : http://www.insideearth.de/league.php
If u need screenshots of the adminarea, say what u need and i will post it
Thank u for help and sorry for my bad english.
best regards
Hi there
On this version you cannot have team vs team in a tournament as people wanted this out very quickly.
The only tournaments you can do are 1 vs 1 single elim or 1 vs 1 double elim
but not team vs team.
The pro version does have team vs team for tournaments buy not challenges but will have in the next update.
I am working on a multi league system so that you will be able to have a league vs league system too.
On this version when you make a team you will have the confirmation screen and on there you will have to choose the team you had made before continuing.
I am in the prosses of making the read me files for this and the pro version of the league system.