Problem with using RSS mods on windows server
I hope this is the correct forum to be posting this. If not be free to move it.
My problem is as follows.
I was searching for a RSS article parser/bot and found some nice ones on this forum (Inferno rss, abouttoday and articlebot)
Problem is that I cant get it to work on my windows based server.
Config server:
Windows XP Pro SP2
Apache 1.3.35
PHP 4.4.2
MySQL 4.0.26
I can install the mods but every time I try to add a RSS feed PHP crashes (I get that anoying windows msg if I would like to send a report). When I check what is wrong it only say: fault in php.exe.
Is there a setting I need to adjust to make this work???
I also use these mods on a linux based machine and there all runs correctly. (same Apache, PHP and MySQL)