Thanks for having me as Admin for the past 4 years, on and off. :)
Hi all
I've stepped down as Admin. Being an Admin on this site has become impossible - it's one thing that I have to keep consulting Jelsoft as this is their site after all, but it's another thing that as an Admin I can't even implement strategies to get things done on the site because Mods disagree with it. It's no way to run a forum site, and I've run forums with over 100 staff.
Since my hands are completely tied as an Admin on this site, there's really no point hanging around and feeling helpless, so I've just stepped down. What's the point really.
I've got better things to do (like my day job running a cancer hospital, or managing my own forums) to be stressed over something I should be enjoying as a hobby.
Thanks for having me around. It's been a great experience.
Stefan or Brad, please change my user title - I can't remove it as I've changed myself back to Licensed.