I've read just the first few pages of this thread and must post in support of the coders here at vb.org - without them this site wouldn't really exist.
I personally feel Jelsoft should give something back to the coders because they actually enhance the product they sell, that essentially makes them money.
Of course being a 'coder' doesn't give them a right to talk down to, or dissrespect other users (but I don't think I've ever seen that happen) but it should mean they are respected here (even by mods), after all without them the rest of us wouldn't come here (no hacks = no vb.org).
I respect a lot of the coders here, Amy, Paul, Livewire to name a few and especially all those who release hacks for free - these coders are vB.orgs biggest assets.
Paid hack developers are not so important to vb.org - perhaps to vb.com as 'compatible' products but not to vb.org which has always been about hacking and sharing (not selling).
If a directory was added for paid hacks - I think they should expect to pay an annual listing fee with perhaps options to take out banner advertisements too, and any income should either be redistributed to the 'free' hackers or used to employ a hacker to release free hacks.