I voted 'Yes - I am a non-coder' I would love to learn how to code. I have experience with Java Script Rewriting to suit my needs, and i have HTML basics, but PHP is a whole other beast lol
I am learning PHP as i go, (Working out my many goofups

) along the way, but would love nothing more than to write code for myself, as well as to share with others. Some of the hacks i see here that are java based drive me insane (Not in a bad way), because i think of how often i have used that same java script on html pages but could never imagine making it work for PHP w/o messing up the board.
Are you thinking of staring a 'Coding 101 Class'? If so, i would be most interested in placing myself in the very front seat in full attention to the teacher...I hope this can be a reality. Thank you. Be well -
Lady Divus