Originally Posted by Boofo
Like you, I personally, don't see a problem with it, but there could be if a member here was ever contacted by an author, for whatever reason, and that member felt like their privacy was invaded. Not saying it would ever happen, but an author could use something like that as a mailing list for any future hacks (commercial or otherwise) that he/she does.
I understand what you're saying and I know that isn't the only reason (if it's even a reason) as to why it's kept private for all those not posting in the thread, but why not impose a rule where the coder that employed such tactics would be punished, maybe even banned if the activity keeps up?
I mean, it wouldn't be too hard to figure out who did it, since the product they would be advertising would be traceable to said coder =P
I just hope that if it
is made public, it won't scare users away from clicking the install button for whatever paranoid reason. It's hard enough to get people to click install as it is.