Originally Posted by Jafo232
What's so bold about telling people to be cautious about installing a non-working mod? It isn't about being an +++++++, it is about giving other people a heads up about non-working software before they install it.
Dude, please not that Revan works his ass off to get this hack working, if you do not want to use it, fine! thats your choice, people are aware that there are errors in the RPG hack, like myself, I had a problem, I am not not using it till the next version, but that does not mean i do not support this...
People do not need a "Heads up" about not working products becuase obviously it is not indended for fools to use this hack, get pissed off and flame about it (guilty, but i m over that, sorry revan)
Can I please ask you to be nicer to revan, all he is doing is creating a hack for the mass public, FREE, so please be quiet becuase he is doing a terriffic job and this is on his spare time so you cannot expect everything to be fixed.
Oh, and as an endnote... DO YOU REALLY EXPECT IT TO HAVE NO FLAWS? Jesus, if you do, get off your windows, linux, or mac version you are using and stop using that! ALL things have flaws so if you don't like it, throw your comp out the window! I GUARANTEE that you will have no mor problems with that computer :P :banana: