Originally Posted by stonyarc
did you install today's version.
That one should hide it when a user doesn't have an entry and only show it on the posts where it's relevant.
If you want I can check myself.
You'll have to add stonyarc (member on your site) to the admins for a few minutes.
The plugin code should be
PHP Code:
global $vbulletin;
if ($post[userid]){
$getpos = $vbulletin->db->query_first("SELECT userid,lat_map,username,lng_map FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "googlemapme WHERE userid = $post[userid]");
$bburl = $vbulletin->options['bburl'];
$lat = $getpos['lat_map'];
$lng = $getpos['lng_map'];
if ($lat)
$post['findme'] = "<a href=\"$bburl/vbgooglemapme.php?lat=$lat&lng=$lng&zoom=10\" target=\"_self\">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_findme]</a>";
$post['findme'] = "";
$post['findme'] = "";
THX for Help @stonyarc & benFF
i copy the PhP Cod that benFF post in postbit_display_complete hook
now it works 100%
i am so happy!
and my Users to (30 new entries today!)