duh. Should have looked at the code a little closer.
Seriously though - not a big deal in my book. If that is indeed a reason to get banned, then its a bit silly.
You encourage people to click the install button if they install. That code seems to click install when they install it. For me, it would be like a convenience. If the install system here wasn't so pants, then no one would be breaking any rule.
Regardless, this is under the umbrella of spy ware, back doors, trojans, phishing, etc... and that is overkill.
I agree with the general sentiments that people doing malicious things with release code here should be treated seriously - hitting the install button for you isn't a malicious thing. Installing a modification and not hitting install is malicious. Hell, go ban those guys
crap. Forgot my other point:
That to me doesnt qualify as undocumented functionality.
Plus, most hacks have undocumented functionality. Hell, a number of stuff round here has NO documentation making the whole freaking thing undocumented functionality.
Sure... gotta love symantics