The issues is not about giving coders moderating privileges. I think someone meantioned this once. The issue is not about giving coders money either. As soon as the thread starts to take a positive direction, it's gets thrown out of context. (not directed towards Erwin) I've posted my suggestions, and are about to post one last final suggestion and hope for the best.
It shouldn't be suprising that people might be coding for the status or the money. They want something in return. It's nice to have pure intentions but not everyone has them.
Support I think that 'most' coders/designers try to devote as much time to support as possible, I find it a matter of pride since it's something I've released. It does get tough when the members never return a thank you or show appreciation.
I understand that. I think the coder titles here were a start on trying to get coders and designers recognition for work released. Although, it looks like people aren't *completly* satisfied. But at least the staff did act on this issue. I think we're looking into alternative ways now.