Originally Posted by Zachery
Over the years vBulletin.org has lost coders in a number of ways, be it through death, lack of want to keep participating, or real life, but the community did not stop growing, it keep growing.
See, since you think that all the people that download the hacks without giving anything back is the backbone of the community, you would be right.
If there was some form of a record of how many coders there were "back in the day" (before my time), matched up against now, I think you would find there would be less now. I don't call that growth. This site lives only because of people contributing code. You could have six billion people coming in here and asking questions, requesting mods or try to learn how to code their own for their own personal sites, but without those that actually
releases mods, this community would die.
You seem to fail to realise this.