I must admit that when I got my lisence I was quite excited about vb.org and what will offer me. And I have been rather disapointed. The number of mods available is fantastic, I don't have a problem with that, it is the fact I have had a lot of trouble getting help and feedback on things.
I have posted several threads asking for help and feedback on various things and they have all pretty much been ignored. You try asking the same question at vb.com and they keep telling you to come back here. That tells me that this place has an obligation to offer vBulletin customers quality support with modifying their forum, something I haven't been very happy with and it doesn't make a good impression for Jelsoft.
Perhaps look into getting more dedicated support staff? You can't rely on members to be offering support as the vast majority don't know coding, hence why they come here in the first place.