Welp, I find myself here chiming in LOL. Anyhow. I just wanted to chime my .02 in. I love this site and what it's about. I CAN tell you that I can and will do WITHOUT the drama(atho, find myself typing in some drama). I completely appreciate the coders here and everything they have brought to me and my board...what the HECK would I do without them?? Even though I am not well versed coder, I am learning. YOU HAVE ALL BEEN HERE. The hacks here are worth a TON to me. I would pay for subscribing to this site if I had to. I pay by purchasing many vB lics and hitting the "install" button to support the coders here.
I see some super talented coders here. I wish there was a section here where the coders who "wanted to sell" their hacks could offer them. Take the vBgeek as an example. His codes are sweeeeet, so he then branched off the ORG and took it commercial. I gladly paid for a hack from his site. The support was friggen PIMP!
To sum it up, Livewire's hacks are unsurpassed. Please don't go, but if you do go and continue to code it up, please let us know where
Thanks to all and that includes everyone(plus props to the staff) THE ORG.