I know that I am very new, but I really dislike this site but only visit because of the great contributions that have been made by people on this site.
It seems as lately more and more coders are simply releasing mods that benefit themselves and usually slap a "not supported" slogan on the hack. While this is all good, it really discourages people who honestly do not quite get code.
I have a couple hundred posts, but I do not understand the programming languages. I enjoy and am grateful for the codes released, but as a new user I see one of those great little hacks that does just what I wanted, but if I have an issue and a coder wishes not to support it, I simply get verbally slapped and told with 200 posts surely by now I would know how to work out the problem.
The attitude at this site is honestly one of the worst I've experienced in help, I'm really appalled with it compared to the great support one usually receives at vbulletin.com, most of the time when someone replies their, the responses are quick, but very friendly. I just don't get that here.
As much as vb.com refers users here, you would think they would take a MUCH more active role in the way things work around here.
I don't know I just wouldn't be too proud of this site if I was running it.
Sorry, this sites just never appealed to me but its resources and users are invaluable to vBulletin.