I just installed this nice plugin. In order to enable the use of the phrase system I modifed it a bit.
If somebody would like to do so as well :
- upload the xml file
- open the template navbar
find: <strong>$vboptions[bbtitle]</strong>
add after:
<if condition="$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] != '0' AND THIS_SCRIPT == 'index'"><br /><span class="smallfont"><a href="search.php?do=getnew"><phrase 1="$newposts" 2="$newthreads">$vbphrase[navbar_sincelastvisit]</phrase></a></span></if>
- add new Phrase
Variablenname: navbar_sincelastvisit
Text: {1} neue Themen und {2} neue Beitr?ge seit Ihrem letzten Besuch.
Deutsch: {1} neue Themen und {2} neue Beitr?ge seit Ihrem letzten Besuch.
English: {1} new Threads and {2} new Posts since your last visit.
- Execute the following queries in order to add a index on the used table colums:
ALTER TABLE `post` ADD INDEX ( `dateline` );
ALTER TABLE `thread` ADD INDEX ( `dateline` );
20060618: removed "$vboptions[bburl]/" in the template code - as https doesn't work