Originally Posted by AdminNation
Exactly. We're still in the construction phase, but don't intend to use ads or run for-profit programs. We decided that an article system was important and found a doner. Ultimately, GARS is a great system that is well worth the cost. Given all the work that was put into it, its not reasonable to expect it to be a free add-on. To expect something comparable without any pricetag is nuts. You (original poster) should be happy that as many hacks remain free as currently do. There are many coders here like Paul who could easily charge for his mods too. So really, its not fair to complain.
please don't put words in my mouth, in no way was I complaining whatsoever. I simply said I cannot afford to buy addons when I just bought vbulletin for $85, on a site in which i recieve no profit. I asked for alternatives, in no way was I complaining.