Originally Posted by Immortal
If you don't like the hack, then don't use it, simple as that. And honestly I do not care. We do not make any money doing this, and we are just trying to help other vB owners by improving their community. If you don't think it's of any value to you, then just shut your mouth up, and don't use the freaking hack.
Geez mate... Half the people come on here, say what they 'think' could improve it, and hope it gets added. They don't expect to get abused by the author. Secondly, the WOL issue is a big one for me, as I run a club and it would look unprofessional, and I can see that others have also requested this... There were reports of key features not working, so I was following that, and I reported that member profiles were loading with the rewrite feature enabled... Don't you care if your 'hack' doesn't work 100%
Maybe you should edit the initial post to read "Hack is provided AS IS, I will not be updating it, so if you don't like it... DON'T use it..." at least then people won't be expecting your support when you obviously won't give it