I only have 84 users so far (my forums are less than a month old) so this hasn't been too much of an issue for me yet. Plus my site is of an adult nature... so it's more... liberal with language.
However, I do have some experience with these people and the first thing they get is the miserable users group which is generally enough to aggravate people right off the site, but some will stick with it and post crap as often as that group will let them.
the next step for me is my "timeout squad" this gives users full range over the site to see anything as if they were regular members but takes away their right to post. now THAT frustrates the hell out of the rowdy ones. It's like letting them see stuff to start trouble about but keeping it just out of reach. I normally get PMs shortly thereafter, asking to be able to post again if they promise to behave.
so far, so good