New Importing-Function
Hello everybody,
I need an Import-function for a Forum that´s not yet listet in ImpEx. So why not putting it into ImpEx?
It´s okay for me to pay for the import and if you do it directly you have a new option in Impex.
The Forum is the CHC-Forum from typo3, it also affects the messages and the fe_users, which is the user-table from typo3. It would be a gread deal because two weeks ago there was a free plugin for a single-sign-on typo3/vBulletin published. There are a lot of potential custommers because there is no good forum-solution for typo3 on the market.
Best wishes, Julian!
Just an add-on:
I have a complete developing-server with my system and vB in the same database. You are gladly invited to have a look there if you want. As long as you know your importing-structure this can be a very easy job and you would make me very happy. ;-)
Best wishes, Julian!