I've had this idea in my head for a while, and stumbled across it on another web site.
I would like to have the ability for members to send emails to one or all of buddies in the buddy list.
I also wanted the option for users to send SMS text messages (the options would require the user to enter the phone number and then select from a drop down list that we create the service provider).
Here is an example of what I want to do.
(you have to login to see it..sorry not my site.) In any event this is for a nuke forum.
I would be happy with the same option but for VB 3.5.4
The buddy list could be created using entered data or in conjunction with the VB one.
Oh and it would need to be easily updated (IE new @cellular_provider_text_message_email.com)
Any help. I am continuing my search here to try and locate something that could do this or be a platform to set this up with.