Originally Posted by Tony G
Let there be then. We'll put a smile on our faces and answers anyone who asks. Nobody is, however, forcing you to answer people who ask this. If it bothers you - ignore the thread, and somebody nice enough will tell the person where they've been moved to. Like you said, no amount of announcements will stop this, but it's not something we're going to change. We did it for several reasons - many a lot more worthwhile than completly reverting it just to stop a few harmless threads of members innocently asking what has happened. It's not good on behalf of this community to see members saying where it is followed by something like 'look here next time idiot' or something like that. But in short - nobody is forced to reply to these threads. If they bother you, its best to ignore them and let the staff handle those questions and let members who ask not feel bad for doing so or feel like idiots, or whatever.
Over time, people will get used to the change and the threads will die down. Until then, it's not the hardest thing to bare with the threads. 
Maybe you should take your own advice when Paul M posts. Your constantly expressed personal feelings towards him make the rest of us uncomfortable.
Thank you very much.
I like the change by the way.