Nopes, no profixes at all are being used

and i just checked in phpmyadmin and the table "post" is there, with offcourse all the records/posts in it :S
About the javascript error.. i only get it @ work..
ie 6.0.2900.xxxx
dont know if my users are reporting the same.. never heard about it, and i only get this error at my work pc.. not at home

webserver is a linux one, but i dont know much more specs.
this is the error:
line 104
expected '('
weird thing is.. if i check the source, and line 104.. its an empty line..
<input name=vb_login_username type=text id=navbar_username onfocus=if (this.value == 'Gebruikersnaam') this.value = ''; size=10 />
line 104 is here
<input name=vb_login_password type=password size=10 />