Originally Posted by johnstires
I haven't fully explored this great Mod yet, but here are some things that would be useful IMO:
1. Allow users to see both map and list mode together. (i.e. http://www.pbnation.com/fieldshow.php?state=pa)
2. Allow the addition of custom fields to elements ala the Links Directory Mod
3. Allow categories to have different sets of fields. For instance, say I want to have a category for events that has fields ABC, yet I want a location event to have fields DEF.
4. Allow everything to be searchable. (i.e. type in a zip to see everything in that locale)
5. Add address fields.
6. Allow admins to select any color they want for markers. Allow unlimited marker categories.
6. All in all I think the Links Directory Mod is a good roadmap, they have alot of good assets, yet they don't have a map.
Keep up the good work, I will be following your progress.
I will look into it.
It's indeed a work in progress.
I'm finishing the Member Edition build with some new features and I'm starting the roadmap somewhere this week if it doesn't get to busy at work and with xboxusersgroup.com (it's E3 this week so a lot of news coming our way).