Originally Posted by cmbehan
It works well, and I made a cron job to run it, but we've decided to change our system to just give everyone an "allowance" of 500 vcash per month.
I know I've seen the SQL query to simply add (x) vcash to each user somewhere here, but I can't find it now.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I think something like this should work:
$rs = mysql_query('UPDATE vb_user SET vbookie_cash = vbookie_cash + 500');
I haven't tried it, so I'd recommend you test it first before making a permanent change
Originally Posted by lowandloudinc
my vbookie stopped working now that we have moved out of ebux and into vbplaza. is there a fix for me to use my new vbplaza points with my vbookie? if so what do i do?
You need to install the vbookie hooks provided with vbplaza, then switch vbookie over to a custom cash type.