Update: 1.02
-added another optional edit, this time a BBCode available for your members to invoke on an image-per-image basis
To create a BB Code that your members may choose to invoke when they want to add the reflection effect to their linked, inline images... go to
AdminCP -> Custom BB Codes -> BB Code Manager.
Click "Add new BB Code." Enter in the following and then "Save."
Title: Image with reflection
Tag: imgreflect
Replacement: <img src="{param}" class="reflect" />
Example: [imgreflect]http://www.google.com/images/logo_sm.gif[/imgreflect]
Description: Adds reflection effect to images.
Use {option}: No
Note that the "Example" will not display with a reflection there, because the javascript isn't linked in the AdminCP pages. However, the example
will display properly on your forum's FAQ/BB Code page: