I have had a number of problems with this hack. I ran the installer and modified the templates but things are either outright missing or not working:
1) In the postbit display it shows:
It will not display the points.
2) This same problem exists in the UShop where it'll show the Avatar but Points and Bank are both blank. However, the richest users box shows users with points.
3) There are no [Buy] links at all. Nowhere. The only way to get to any buy dialogue is to click on "Most Sold" and then you can click on the list of links.
4) None of the actions actually work. Clicking on any of the actions
except Bank results in a new page with a blank box. That's it.
5) You can't actually deposit anything in the bank because it says you don't have any points. See point 2), UShop says that users have points but it seems they do not
6) The Uncatagorized catagory is missing
7) The navbar only has 5 options
I think this hack would do very well on my forum but I don't know how to fix this problem. Because the hack had an installer I don't know if everything worked properly or if something broke along the way. If I had installed it manually I could go and double check all the steps but I'm not sure what the installer did. When I try to run it now it says that Ushop is already installed.
Any help would be appreciated.