Originally Posted by bitg
I agree, can you add additional calendar events with forced styles too? I would love to force christmas, easter, valentines day, fourth of july, etc.
Originally Posted by -=Sniper=-
If someone can send me a list of the most wanted holiday/s. I can easily do it. However a more complicated one which lets you add it to your own events won't be possible yet.
also what if the users birthday is on the same day as the holiday, which do you want first, or shall i let the admins decide?
:banana: I would love to see something like that!!!
Edit: Oh yea: Installed!!! I am using it on a 3.5.2 vB
Here is a list of holidays you might consider in the new version (Some I know may be hard to work out (Labor Day & Thanksgiving):
New Year's Day, January 1st.
Groundhog Day, February 2.
Valentine's Day, February 14.
St. Patrick's Day, March 17.
April Fools's Day, April 1.
Easter (here is a complicated way at doing easter calcs
Memorial Day, last Monday in May
Flag Day, June 14th.
United States of America's Independence Day, July 4.
Labor Day, first Monday in September.
Columbus Day (traditional), October 12.
United Nations Day, October 24.
Halloween, October 31.
Election Day, Tuesday on or after November 2.
Veterans Day, November 11th
Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November.
Christmas Day, December 25th.
Now, I found this page that might help calculate some of the funky days...
Pehaps a table with dates w/ year would work (IE Easter
http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/easter.html )