Originally Posted by trickedoutpc
Hello! I installed pacman from the zip above and followed all the instructions but I am confused at this part Point your browser to /admincp/pacman.game.php. (E.g. http://www.yourforums.com/forum/admi...cman.game.php).
Don't forget to delete the script once you're finished!
Do I point my regular browser to the link or do I make a link and add it in a folder? and what scrpipt do I deleat. Thanks for all your help I am new to this. also will pacman work on the newsest v3 arcade for 3.5.4 please help thanks,
Running the file from your browser won't work. It gives an php error. Best thing to do is upload it in admincp/games and go to Game Tools and click on "Start" under "v3 Arcade - Mass Game Import". That will import the game into the database.
Does anyone know if the game Party Animal is converted, and were I can get it?
Oh, and rjordan, thanks for the Ice Age games, they're cool!