Originally Posted by John Diver
Sorry, but what is a ghostwriter?
A ghostwriter is someone who is hired to write something on your behalf. It's done all the time in the publishing business. If you ever wonder how some authors crank out so many books, or how celebs write their books - many times they're ghostwritten.
In your case, if you're an expert in one or more aspects of poker, but you're not necessarily a writer, you could formulate a great 'outline' of an article, and have a ghostwriter pen it for you. Then submit it to publications with your byline and website.
Regarding PR, best to sign up with a good service (about $75-$99 per month), and keep an eye on the queries that journlists are sending out. When you see one that you can offer some insight, respond. Your quote will typically carry the attribution, "say John Diver, founder of www.DueceAce.com" (or something like that).
It may 'seem' small, but one mention like that in an article in the entertainment section of USA Today will go far - trust me