Fantastic hack guys, works like a charm... I only have one issue and i've been through all the pages here regarding individual FLV problems but nothing.
This thing plays everything! its great! -- I just have users who upload .flv files to photobucket or so, but no individual .flv files will play.
The right player is being used by lookin at the markup after someone makes a post with the flv in it.
for example [MEDIA][/MEDIA]
The player loads but just says loading after you click it as it says "click to play".... any ideas?? Again everything else works like a charm
- Edit -
Fixed... the photobucket urls put ?action=view¤t=FILENAME on the URL which makes this anymedia player try to load the whole player for photobucket... i stripped off the end viewer variables and gave it the filename itself and it works great.