Avatar/Image Reflection Effect (aka "AIRE")
Version History
1.5 -
(Upgraders, simply overwrite reflection.js in your forum's clientscript folder!)
-Added ability to vary height and the opacity of the reflections
-Fixed issue with Safari and landscape images
-Made reflection of images with specified dimensions better
-Removed wholeimage class
-Added scriptable reflections - Reflection.add(), Reflection.remove() - allowing for interactivity and flexibility. Reflections can respond to user actions (e.g. changing the reflection opacity when the image is hovered over or clicked.) For more information, see info and files at
-Added instructions for postbit template.
-added another optional edit, this time a BB Code available for your members to invoke on an image-per-image basis
-added one optional edit, for profile picture in member profile
-tweaked the display for avatars in member profile and Members List (removing 1px border to line up reflection better)
-initial release