I had always wanted an RPG that was in 2D/3D like FF7/FF8
http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://ultimate-end.net that was intergrated with vbulletin like RPG inferno is to display the forum members stats, etc. but was made using java and xml. I had found some nice (java) rpgs, however none were intergrated - just wondering if anyone else had thought of doing this before ?
Here are some other example links:
http://www.kevinglass.com/index.php?page=games3d (bottom of page "Pondering RPG")
http://www.kevinglass.com/index.php?page=games2d (middle of page "Mini Adventure")
Maybe Im being to particular, I am an aquarius, I suppose I just dare to dream the impossible in hopes of someday making it possible. What do you think ?