Is there any way to get rid of the character creation? I just want people to be able to register and play! This whole character creation and class setting is ridiculous. I tried turning off headquarters, but it did nothing more than refuse any new players to create a character.
I was also wondering if there would be any way to integrate the item center with the vbplaza shop. And just have it another catagory that is displayed in the shop. that would be really cool and just have the items displayed like that.
And finally, I was wondering if there would be a way to get rid of the dualing system, and just have it so that there is an attack button in the postbit that just attacks the person. So no accepting the fight or whatever. It just happens whether the person is online or offline. And then when they die, their usegroup is changed.
I know this is a lot to ask, so I am thinking of offering paypal? Name your price and we shall negotiate.