Jamshed, It looks like your log_cron_action() function was changed. The default vBulletin table is called
cronlog. In your error, it is showing up as
What is your table_prefix named?
You can find the name by opening the /includes/config.php file and looking for:
PHP Code:
I also need you to post your log_cron_action() function. Open
/includes/functions_cron.php and search for:
PHP Code:
function log_cron_action($description, $nextitem)
Post the code in between the brackets (
{}). The default vB function is:
PHP Code:
function log_cron_action($description, $nextitem)
global $vbulletin;
if (defined('ECHO_CRON_LOG'))
echo "<p>$description</p>";
if ($nextitem['loglevel'])
/*insert query*/
(cronid, dateline, description)
($nextitem[cronid], " . TIMENOW . ", '" . $vbulletin->db->escape_string($description) . "')
Also, does this happen on all your task managers? Try running another one and let me know if the same thing happens.