Hi peeps
I had to move servers the other day..
Tried to reinstall this arcade and i get errors coming out me ears
when i try to enter the arcade
atabase error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT arcade_challenges.*, touser.username AS tousername, fromuser.username AS fromusername, arcade_games.miniimage, arcade_games.title FROM arcade_challenges AS arcade_challenges
LEFT JOIN user AS touser ON (touser.userid=arcade_challenges.touserid)
LEFT JOIN user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=arcade_challenges.fromuserid)
LEFT JOIN arcade_games AS arcade_games ON (arcade_games.gameid=arcade_challenges.gameid)
WHERE status=3 ORDER BY datestamp DESC LIMIT;
MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 5
Error Number : 1064
Date : Monday, May 1st 2006 @ 03:15:15 AM
Script : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/arcade.php
when i try to import the product (with overwrite enabled)
Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO arcade_categories VALUES (7,'Puzzle',1,1),(8,'Action',2,1),(3,'Retro',3,1),(4,'Sport',4,1),(5,'Shooters',5,1),(1,'Other',100,1),(2,'Favorites',101,1);
MySQL Error : Duplicate entry '7' for key 1
Error Number : 1062
Date : Monday, May 1st 2006 @ 03:05:33 AM
Script : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
Ok i have resolved this, anyone get these errors then you need to remove the arcade bits from
you databse!!