Originally Posted by Michelle
Personally, I think it's a shame for someone to be a forum admin and have no clue what pixels are (or even basic html) but I suppose that's just me :tired: 
That would possibly work on the perfect forum were people knew everything they needed to know but of course, no forum is like this. if so, I haven't came across a forum were visitors posted with the full information needed for the (designer in this case) to fill a graphic request. Many sites and large forums have taken these guidelines and implemented it because it works and it works well.
I wasn't fussed whether the guidelines were used or not. I felt that it was needed here because of the lack of information that was submitted by people requesting graphics. We can't expect everybody to know everything otherwise were is the fun in learning? And if someone is making a graphic request chances are they don't know anything in the graphic area. It will do more good than harm.
Originally Posted by Brad
We've placed this as a sticky in the request forum.
If you think anything else is needed please let us know.
Subheading on the graphic request area could do with being renamed. The current title doesn't make sense. Maybe it's me.