that "miniscule" may not worry you much because you have some knowledge on working/running a server ... you probably have direct access to it - do you think everyone else does?
that "miniscule" may be fine for someone who knows what's "under the hood" ... do you think everyone else understand what's going on?
that "miniscule" may be fine for someone who knows the difference between a "good" script and "bad" script ... do you think everyone has this knowledge?
that "miniscule" may be the cause of someone's problem down the road
Theoretically, if the search and replace method doesn't work, neither will instructions due to the fact that the instructions will ask to locate the same thing that the search in replace does. If one doesn't work without a hastle, then the other one won't work without a hastle.
yea -- ok ... and, you still don't see how "instructions" would be helpful?