Lordy, after a year of mod'ing a phpBB2 board I was nearly at a loss on how these fancy schmancy mods for vB worked.... wanted to do a simple change to a template and it took me a while to figure out how to even get to them, lol.... was so used to going into my site file directory and opening them there.
But I guess even with the plug-ins I'd prefer a txt file that actually tells me the changes that are being made, how else can I learn or figure out what the problem is if there is one? Recently did an import of a product that had a snafu in it, was supposed to create a field in two tables in my vB database, but it didn't... if I hadn't had all that phpBB experience I wouldn't have had a clue as to where to even look for where to fix it from the error message I was getting. would also be helpful if in the thread that in the description of the product/plug-in if there are any 'known' conflicts with others that they could be listed.
But when it gets down to the poll above I guess I'll have to go with the 'learning experience' choice