OK sorry i haven't got round to replying sooner, work has been a bit busy this week, and my landlord has told me only today that my internet is down for 2 weeks >.< I can still work on this, from my office, but its just a bit of a pain.
YLP1, the only way I can see that you could have 2 summaries is if you didnt complete the
upgrade steps fully, specifically Step2.
lawahdy, i'll try to write some short steps asap for you on how to make the up and coming events look like your attachment. I'm pretty sure it should be fairly easy todo. Also, can you send me in a PM your template for SHOWTHREAD, what options you have set for Event Forums and if you have disabled any Event Forums plugins and in addition any plugins which use any of the
showthread_* hooks. I know its alot, but then I can try to investigate why the first post is still showing for you, because i've tried a few things on my test site and I can't reproduce it.
cat4m, I have written a set of upgrade instructions which you can find
here. I think they are pretty clear and easy to follow, but besides logging onto your site and doing it for you (which I won't be), I don't think there is much else I can do to help you upgrade.
JaeTea i'll have a look at the code tomorrow and see if its possible that it could get skipped. Do you have any plugins which use any of the
showthread_* hooks?